Welcome to Dragonery, the universe of Kiiro our dragon. Kiiro is the inspirer and protector of society’s innovators and contributors. He is especially close to people, teams and organisations that have bold questions, original ideas, innovative projects and impossible dreams. He protects their ‘little dragons’, those budding intuitions that lead on to beautiful creative achievements.
Knowing the power of serendipity, he likes to encourage it wherever it should arise.
His story
Kiiro has always existed. A long time ago, while out looking for a rare type of pepper which he particularly relished, he approached a group of men who were desperately trying to master fire. That fire became the first dragon of mankind. “And what if we were to try it with two flints,” they wondered. It is in remembrance of this first creative act of mankind that all the dragons – from Asia to the West – breathe fire, so that from generation to generation we will never forget.
Kiiro welcomes the bearers of questions, ideas, projects, dreams, small dragons and good fortune in his dragonery. He gives them the chance to exist, to develop, to grow and to succeed. He offers his experience, his methods and his array of tools for creativity, innovation, disruption and verbal presentation of ideas; incredible creative tools he calls ‘Yellow Ideas’.
Children, teenagers, adults, do not be afraid! You have the means by which to conquer the future: your creativity! And to stimulate it, encourage it and share it, Kiiro is an ever-present friend and advisor. He has been there since the invention of fire by prehistoric men. And he will always be there, by your side, anytime you want.
For all your projects, be they global (saving the planet or eradicating a disease), local (solving a social problem or creating a cultural initiative where you live) or personal, adopt the secrets of Kiiro and implement his Manifesto.
Kiiro teaches us not to be afraid, whatever the circumstances and difficulties, and to live our ideas to the full with courage and generosity.
1. We are all creative.
Why continue to ignore this wonder within us?
2. Co-creation breaks down barriers and increases our creativity.
Why go it alone and run the risk of going round and round in circles?
3. The creative process allows us to go beyond the evidence.
Why wait, often in vain, for a fairy godmother to appear?
4. Creativity feeds on powerful conversation and silence.
Why not get to the heart of things with consistent focus?
5. We gain from encouraging and igniting serendipity.
Why not enhance your capabilities with other skills and unusual experiences?
6. The impossible opens the door to unexpected possibilities.
Why be content with familiar ideas and the same old possibilities?
7. Little dragons require our protection and patience.
Why deprive ourselves of our imagination’s incredible wealth?
8. In all things, envisage powerful creative strategies.
Why let events (and others) decide for us?
9. Our good ideas deserve great looking, effective presentations that have a lasting impact.
Why not give ourselves every chance to succeed?
10. Numbers are an ally of our ideas, our projects and our presentations.
Why not rely on solid numbers to move our ideas forward?
11. Let us be the artistic directors of our ideas and projects.
Why not bring to life those ideas you have always had?
12. The impossible belongs to us.
Why not disrupt the status quo and invent the unimaginable?